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Management System Audit

Management System Audit

ISO Consultancy & Certification

ADEPTUS Certifications assist businesses to achieve certification to ISO 9001, 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards by an Accredited Certification Body.


Accreditation – Your route to accredited certification


The assessment process has four Key Stages

Solutions Our account managers will talk you through your requirement and options putting together a programme. As your business grows, they’ll be on hand to discuss your possible changing needs.


Gap Analysis will identify those areas you need to spend more time on to achieve compliance and give you confidence that your systems are ready for third party assessment. This is an optional visit and is ideal for those organizations that are unsure of the effectiveness and robustness of their management system.


Stage 1 Visit is undertaken to check that what you say you do meets the requirements of your chosen standard or scheme and is typically carried out on site. Our assessor will gauge how well you understand the standard and your progress towards meeting the requirements by having conducted internal audits and management review. They will gather data on the scope of your management system, the key processes and locations of your organization and related statutory, regulatory and compliance aspects. The assessor will provide the organization with a report and advise of any areas of concern that need to be addressed.


Stage 2 Visit will evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of your management system. Our assessors will want to see that your management system conforms to the standard. They will want to interview staff including senior management , process owners and operational personnel to ensure the management system has been implemented and understood throughout the organization. An audit report will be provided recording the results of the assessment, any opportunities for improvement and any identified and agreed non-conformities.


Surveillance Visits are undertaken following successful certification. Your appointed assessor will return at agreed regular intervals to follow up on the progress that has been made since the previous visit and to ensure the management system continues to meet the requirements of your chosen standard or scheme and is being continually improved.

£321.00 in

Duration One year
Diploma level 3
Certificate by INSPIREK
Number of Units 5
Number of Quiz 10
Validity Lifetime


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